Friday, May 26, 2006

11 years behind the moustache

Well believe it or not I'm not too into change. On a whim, last Saturday I decided to modify the facial hair experience that is my face.

For over 11 years Hi have been sporting a Goatee:

The new and improved facial hair experience:

These are the "thoughtful" ones I'll use on my book jacket :-)

Crap! Now I have to write a book! Have a great day !


John said...

So I guess that you're Emergent now that you have a goatee? I think that that is mandatory or something.

RevrdMark said...

Well, I went from the goatee of 11 years, to the "patch" so maybe I was emergant before emergant was cool? My timing has always sucked!


Anonymous said...

Actually, isn't the 'soul-patch' that you are now sporting more 'emergent' than a goatee? I duuno, I can't keep up with it all.

But the new look does look good. With the pipe you look like all scholarly.