Thursday, August 03, 2006

OOOO numbers

Ok for those of you that are into the whole number thing and patterns, I have a few for you. Today is my birthday and I am turning 38, so I am turning 38 on 8-3 or 3-8-8-3. ok Second one my daughter turned 6 on July 6th of 06, an the third one, my son turns 8 on August 8th. I wont tell you my wifes age and dates cause she punches really hard.

Ok you numeralogists(sp?) let me know what wonders await me in the future.


Aaron Stewart said...

I predict that this coming monday you will be surrounded by awesome guys smoking pipes and drinking beer.

Happy Birthday!

RevrdMark said...

A woman at Vaction Bible School pointed out even more number oddities. On 8/3, my 38th birthday at 1:38am, we in Vancouver had a 3.8 richter scale earth quake.

Its freakin' me out man!!

